A local toy drive will be boosted by a bit of star power on Friday as “So You Think You Can Dance” celebrities, Kathryn McCormick and Cyrus “Glitch” Spencer come to reward the students. Starting at 1 p.m. it will be held in the Logan High School auditorium accompanied by a career symposium and dance clinic. Wilson Elementary held a similar event last year, but this is the first year the rest of the Logan City School District has been invited to come to the event.
The event was organized by SafTEQ, a company that sells devices to protect and monitor children's online activity. As an incentive to the students at Wilson Elementary, SafTEQ is requiring every student to give a toy at the drive to be able to dance with McCormick and Spencer.
“We try to give out 500 toys,” said Sundee Ware, the principal of Wilson. “They can bring a toy or they can make it. I just think it’s really great.”
Ware said the other schools were invited to join the toy drive, but could choose to do something else.
“We want to get to a bigger goal of toys so we can send them out to charities,” said Paul Singh, a fourth-grade student at Wilson. “If we can get it to a high level then we can do a very good job.”
Singh is a part of a student group that is helping with the toy drive, as well as counting the toys. Singh will also be in charge of Wilson performing moves from the music video “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” at the start of the symposium.
The CEO of SafTEQ, Jeremiah Cox said the career symposium should be impactful for the students that come.
“I’m hoping that we’ll have it full,” Cox said.
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